What are HairStixies?

HairStixies visually look similar to a traditional sticky note pad, but function more like a lint roller and are designed to hold and remove your loose hairs from the shower. With adhesive on the front of each HairStixies sheet, you have a designated spot on the wall to stick and hold those annoying hairs that come out during a shower. When the top sheet is full of hair you can easily remove it by pulling on the non-adhesive laneway at the bottom of the sheet. Additional sheets are below for the next use. The product allows you to proactively keep the hair out of the drain and easily remove from the wall and toss when finished.

How many sheets are on each HairStixies pad?

There are 12 sheets on each pad.

How long will one HairStixies pad last?

It depends how often you shower, how much hair you lose and how often you want to remove the top sheet, which will vary from person to person. If you use one sheet per shower, you will have a supply for 12 showers. If you use one sheet for more than one shower, the pad will last longer.

How big is a HairStixies pad?

Each HairStixies pad is ~3.5 inches x 3.5 inches.

What color are HairStixies sheets?

HairStixies sheets are transparent so they will blend in with whatever surface they are placed on. The adhesive may present a slight yellow tinge.

How do you install HairStixies?

Clean and dry shower wall surface. Peel off the Wall Side cover sheet to expose the adhesive on the back of the pad. Press the HairStixies pad into place by pressing the Wall Side exposed adhesive to the shower wall firmly on all sides. The non-adhesive horizontal lane should be located towards the bottom. Do not place the pad directly in the line of shower water spray. Peel off the Hair Side cover sheet to expose the adhesive on the front of the pad. Place loose hair on the top sheet as needed. When the top sheet is full or when
desired, remove by peeling from the non-adhesive laneway. Repeat until all sheets in the pad are fully used. When you remove the last sheet in the stack, you will also be removing the backer stuck to the wall. Check out our video demonstration.

What surfaces can HairStixies stick to?

HairStixies have been tested on different shower wall materials, and the tests did not find any residue left by the backer adhesive. However, every shower wall is different. Thus, we do not warrant or guarantee residue will not be left on your shower wall, and you are responsible for testing a small surface area first prior to usage.

Do HairStixies sheets stay sticky in the shower with all that water?

We've done extensive testing to find the right adhesive for this invention. When your shower and hands are dry you will be able to feel the sticky adhesive. During a shower when the shower and your hands are wet, the sheet will not necessarily feel sticky – that’s okay, the adhesive is still working. When your shower/HairStixies pad dries out you will be able to feel the stickiness once again. Over time, the stickiness may slightly fade the longer it has sat in your shower. Once a sheet is full of hair it will be harder to keep sticking more hair on it which means it’s time to toss the top sheet and expose a fresh sheet below.

How long will shipping take?

Shipping is estimated to take 2-5 business days.

Please note there are delayed shipping times for pre-order items.

What countries do you ship to?

We currently ship to the United States.

What is your return policy?

Given the nature of the product, all sales are final. If you have an issue with your order please get in touch with our team.

What about bulk orders?

If you are interested in ordering bulk quantities please get in touch with a member of our team and we would be happy to assist you!